Netflix – WOW I binge a LOT! I’m coming clean about what I watched this past year!

Have you ever taken a look at your Netflix viewing to see exactly how much time you spend bingeing and what shows you’ve been watching? Netflix did a little math and in 2017, members worldwide streamed 140 million hours per day Continue reading Netflix – WOW I binge a LOT! I’m coming clean about what I watched this past year!

“Eye” wish I’d listened to my own advice! Take advantage of the Kids See Free program from Atlantic Superstore

When my oldest was quite a bit younger, she complained of not being able to see for far longer than I care to admit! By the time I clued in that she really did need glasses, she was absolutely blown Continue reading “Eye” wish I’d listened to my own advice! Take advantage of the Kids See Free program from Atlantic Superstore

How to Avoid Getting Sick When You’re Burning the Candle at Both Ends (Plus a Giveaway!)

What do you mean you’re overworked, chasing kids, staying up late, getting up early, running around like a chicken with your head cut off and keeping a to-do list longer than your actual arm? Isn’t EVERYONE? These days, we’re fast Continue reading How to Avoid Getting Sick When You’re Burning the Candle at Both Ends (Plus a Giveaway!)