Celebrating LOVE: Why You Should Tell the People in Your Life How Special They Are

5 reasons to tell a loved one how special they are Continue reading Celebrating LOVE: Why You Should Tell the People in Your Life How Special They Are
Living Creatively, Living the Dream
5 reasons to tell a loved one how special they are Continue reading Celebrating LOVE: Why You Should Tell the People in Your Life How Special They Are
About this Post: I’ve partnered with Maid 4 U Cleaning Services to keep my home clean and tidy! In this post, I chat about the fact that my house is messier when my mental health is suffering! Thanks to Maid4U, we’re cleaning up the mess together! Continue reading Tidy home, tidy brain…
Brought to you by Interac Association and TheCo I’m always in a hurry! Running from one activity to the next, trying desperately to get back to my office, with breaks in between that have me running from horseback riding, to the volleyball court, Continue reading Making my Hectic Life more Seamless
I have to admit…it happened quite quickly and yet, I’d been working at it for years! I needed to make money. After a divorce, a return to school and the start of a new business…I realized that my talents needed Continue reading How I turned my side-hustle into a full time job
A “fiddlehead” is quite simply a “new growth fern”…tightly coiled in on itself and ready to burst into the Spring air! For a few days in early May…in shaded areas or wet and boggy soil, you can see the bright Continue reading Take it outside…
As my youngest stood in the dress shop, donning an exquisite prom dress…tears spilled from my eyes. But not for reasons one would think. While she looked beautiful and her face glowed with the excitement of wearing a fabulous gown…I Continue reading Shedding tears in the dress shop…
Anita Kirkbride of Twirp Communications and myself, sat down with Suzanne Rent of Our Children’s Magazine, as she interviewed us about being Mompreneurs. Suzanne asked us how we got started, how our parenting styles changed, who we rely on for support, what Continue reading How I became a “Mompreneur”
The year 2000 was such an EVENT in so many of our lives that it seems to have happened just yesterday, and yet, here we are…two thousand and SEVENTEEN! Time keeps shocking me each and every time the clock strikes Continue reading Top 5 Blogs Posts for 2016
I believe it was around 1984 when I attended my first company Christmas party. At the time, I was working for Thrifty’s in the Halifax Shopping Centre and the entire Dylex Group of Thrifty’s, Tip Top, Fairweather, Big Steel and Braemar Continue reading How to throw a Solo Christmas Party!
I’m just back from a FANTASTIC blogger conference and I’m suddenly refocused, refreshed and relaxed! I attended the #LetsGoRama conference put on by SJ Consulting with my East Coast Mom partner, Laura, from My Life in the Sun. But, before I go Continue reading Refocused, refreshed, relaxed. #LetsGoRama
I completely took the day off on Thursday while myself and two girlfriends went on an adventure exploring various Halifax & Dartmouth shops and spending a leisurely day together! And, for someone who works the way I do…with so much going on all Continue reading Exploring Halifax & Dartmouth Shops… Part 1
Jody sat in my office months ago. Her plan was simply to ask me a few questions about branding a new business…spend a few minutes looking at my portfolio and getting a feel for my work before moving along to another designer Continue reading Spa-dee-da…
I’m turning my phone off. Mostly. Well…from time to time through the holiday. Like…for sure on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day…except for the odd peek or two! #HolidayMode. Last week, Telus sent me to dinner where I sat around a Continue reading #HolidayMode
One of the joys in my life is having a job that I absolutely love. The saying…”do what you love the the rest will follow”…is so unbelievably true. I’m not saying it comes without frustration and worry, because building a new business Continue reading Closing out 2014…
You know when you hit that wall? When you’re too tired to move…when the to-do list has piled massively high…when you’re trying to get things done and you’re living one hour at a time unable to see the big picture onaccounta Continue reading Sunday Wrap-up #6…
I missed a few appointments! Luckily, not work related…still, I hate to let a friend down. My on-line calendar…while it worked like a charm until now…is no longer cutting it. I’m booking coffees and lunches and not filling them in…trusting Continue reading Office meeting…
Sometimes, I feel like an absolute fraud! Time and again, I hear women telling me that I “inspire” them. Believe me, I’ve contemplated this skeptically more times than you can possibly imagine…I mean, I know I made it through this Continue reading Faking it…
On Monday, I attended a luncheon with the Centre for Women in Business (I’m trying to network and get myself out of the office a bit more.) The guest speaker, Shari Graydon, presented a compelling talk titled “Amplify Your Voice, Increase Continue reading Informed opinions…speaking up!
The strangest thing just happened. I’m sitting here…contemplating my life…the fact that my house hasn’t sold yet, the company is growing slower than I’d anticipated, I’m not in a relationship, the book hasn’t hit the best seller list, my blog Continue reading The universe…
“So, you’re the author” and “What’s your book about” I heard repeatedly throughout the day on Saturday. I was attending the East Coast Momma Collective’s Spring Fair at St. Mary’s Boat Club. A gathering of Mompreneur’s who were all in Continue reading East Coast Momma Collective…awesome moms…