The first time I saw “4 Boxes of Tissues” listed on my child’s school supply list, I thought the teacher was out of her mind!
- Pens, Crayons, Markers, Pencil Crayons
- Erasers, Pencil Sharpeners
- Some crazy campfire notebook thing that no one can ever find
- A pair of scissors…but not the sharp ones ’cause kids just tend to cut their hair and clothes and anything BUT the paper they’re supposed to be cutting
- Construction Paper, Scrapbook Paper, Lined Paper
- 186 Duotangs but not the regular kind…some funky thing with a front pouch that no one can ever find
- Page dividers, Plastic Covers, Labels
- 27 3-Ringed binders that cost a fortune and break from year to year
- Backpack, Lunch Bag
- Gym Shoes without scuffy souls
- Tennis balls to cut open and place on the bottoms of the chairs so the chairs don’t scrape across the floor loudly…but not the ones from the discount stores because they have such a toxic smell inside that a fumigator will need to be called in to clear out the hazardous smell in the classroom
- Slippers for the classroom, a carpet remnant for nap time
- Glue, Glue Stick, Crazy Glue, Non-scented Glue and Purple Glue so you can see where you put the glue
- Pencil Case, Highlighters
- Change of clothes (for accidents)
- Hand wipes, Hand Sanitizer, Hand Cream
- Water Bottle, Extra large freezer bags
- Small umbrella, Art Smock
- Ruler, Geometry Kit
- Second geometry kit to replace the pieces your kid loses
- Mini Stapler, Staples, Staple Remover
- Bandaids for when your kid staples his/herself to the table
- USB stick, Graph Paper, Calculator
- Dictionary, Thesaurus, Book for reading time, Activity book for when they’re bored
Why…because September is that fabulous time of year when the nose starts flowing!
Year after year you can count on one thing…a mass amount of sickness that kids will pass around to one another and kindly bring home to you!
Get ready…you might want to stock up on everything and anything you can think of to treat colds, flus, allergies, pink eye, rashes, fungus, bugs, worms, scrapes, cuts…every glorious thing that kids pass back and forth to each other…
And…while you’re busy trying to combat germs…let me warn you about the LICE MONKEY!
Usually brought about by the wonderful new teacher fresh out of college as a reward for the student who’s had a bad day, who’s celebrating a birthday, who helped out in the classroom or was kind to another student…the LICE MONKEY is an incentive in the form of a stuffed animal that goes home each evening with a chosen student.
Bones was in grade 1 or 2…when we were introduced to what the mom’s on the playground quickly coined the “LICE MONKEY!” That sweet brown monkey with the beady eyes and spiky hair that every single child in the classroom was vying to bring home…to cuddle with, drool over, sleep next to…
Bones simply couldn’t wait for her turn as I felt my skin begin to crawl with the thoughts of shared germs…scratching my head and rubbing out the goose bumps until THANKFULLY…the class mom shut the whole thing down!
It’s that time of year again and once you shut down the monkey business…you’re still left dealing with colds and flus and rashes and pink eye and allergies and acne and everything else these kids will bring home!
Including lots of artwork…and the leftover school supplies at the end of the year.
Did You Know?
When minor ailments hit, it can be a struggle to figure out how to best treat them. Conditions like eczema, cold sores, and seasonal allergies can have a big impact on our day-to-day lives, but they may not seem serious enough to see a doctor about…not to mention trying to fit it into your crazy schedule.
In Nova Scotia, we live in one of the lucky provinces where Pharmacists can actually assess our conditions, and if appropriate, write a prescription to help you to feel better faster!
The following, shows a list of Minor Ailments and the Over the Counter medicines that Mom’s are likely to pick up…and also the prescriptions that Pharmacists are able to prescribe!
All you need to do, ask your local Shoppers Drug Mart Pharmacist for information and treatment advice to deal with minor ailments…they’ll treat what they can, and if you need further advice, will advise you to see your doctor.
Make sure you stock up and while you’re there…they have everything you need to check off your school supply list…and don’t forget those tissues!
Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Shoppers Drug Mart. Opinions and stories, as always, are my own.
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