About this Post: Have you ever made a vision board…laying out all of your hopes and dreams for your future? I’ve made them in the past but this time, I decided to make a Vision Board using Canva then added it to my Desktop so it’s IN MY FACE every time I sit down at my computer!
A few weeks ago, while dreaming of the year ahead, I made a vision board in Canva then added the image to my computer’s Desktop.
When I don’t have a million tabs open, it’s a fabulous reminder of the goals and intentions I’ve set for myself for the year; to enjoy my home, to take care of my health, to visit Germany, to make more money, to continue to be kind, to read and write more, and to hopefully book a few days away with my kids at a cottage this summer.
Since I’m greatly enjoying having the Vision Board on my Desktop, I thought I’d go ahead and share how I did it.
Make a list of your Dreams and Goals
Making a list of dreams and goals tends to be the hardest part of creating a vision board for most people…but the reality is, no dream is too big or too small, and everything is allowed! Your vision board can be for one year, a specific event, or a bucket list of all of your hopes and dreams! I specifically made it for one year and took into consideration what I wanted for my business, my personal and family life, where I want to go, and things I want to do. Along with images, I added a few quotes that resonate with me…”Make People Feel Loved Today”, “Mindset is Everything”…and my Guiding Word for this Year, FORWARD.
Collect Images and Quotes
Once you have your dreams and goals sorted out, the next part can be quite a bit of tun as you start searching for images that suit your ideas. In a “traditional” vision board, you’d cut words and images out of magazines, but with the internet, there’s no limit to the number of pictures and quotes you can find online!
To make things easier and keep things organized, I placed everything I collected into a folder for safekeeping, but you could also gather them in a Pinterest Board or in a Drop Box…and remember, you can use photos that you’ve taken as well! Once I had the images, I had a look at the aesthetic of it all and if something didn’t quite suit the way I wanted the board to “feel”…I looked for a more suitable image.
Using Canva to Design your Vision Board
From the Canva App, you can choose to “Create a Design” and start from scratch, choosing your size and layout, or, to make it even easier, do a search for “Vision Board” and you’ll have a number of styles to choose from.

From there, it’s time to upload the photos you collected and start to arrange them using the template you chose.
I chose to upload my images all at once, then simply dragged and dropped them onto the template. This took a bit of time with moving things around and resizing items until it looked exactly as I imagined…but it wasn’t a very difficult process using the Canva Template.
Adding Elements in Canva
Once you have your images in place, the next step is to add some text. It’s totally up to you if you want to add extra elements, but I like to clearly state my goals! You’ll notice I removed the “circles” that were on the original template, and I added “washi tape” and text on top of the photos.
Basically at this point, you get to PLAY around and see what Canva can do for you…move things around, add and remove elements, swap out photos…and even add a new goad or two if you’ve remembered something you’d forgotten!
Saving your Vision Board
The final step in Canva is to Download your vision board. I made mine a JPG and kept the size and quality suggested, but you could certainly make your piece bigger if you’d like (and up the quality if this is something you’d like to print!) Once you download, the piece will be in your Download folder on your computer (or wherever your downloads are set to automatically go to!)

Adding your Vision Board to your Wallpaper
From your computer’s desktop, right-click and choose Change Desktop Picture from the dropdown list to add your Vision Board to your desktop. (Note: this process can be slightly different depending on your computer and operating system. And also note, the screenshots may look slightly different than yours depending on the version of Canva you have on your computer.)
DREAM, IMAGINE, Reach your Goals!
Last but not least, make sure to glance at your vision board from time to time to remember what you’re reaching for! AND, if you think of a new goal or want to make a change, simply jump back to your Canva project and edit your board!
Here’s hoping all your dreams and goals come true this year!
PS – Feel free to post the below graphic to Pinterest!!! 🙂

Very interesting.I love the idea.Take care Colleen. Love you❤️❤️Aunt BettyP