About this post: On Meg’s 20th birthday, I look back on the teen years and put together a list of my five favourite blog posts about Meg. Happy Birthday sweet girl…with so much love xo!
With today being Megan’s 20th birthday, it’s official…we’ve made it through the teen years!
It happened in the blink of an eye. Somewhere between putting carrots in the blender and placing them in ice cube trays to freeze for her nightly meals and “mom, I want to be a tattoo artist”…a crap ton of things happened.
I’ve watched this girl grow with so much grace…always by my side…a shadow I could always count on.
I’ve followed her around as if it were my full-time occupation…completely enthralled with every move she made…celebrating each accomplishment and being that voice of reason when she was hard on herself.
I spoiled her. Coddled her. Kept her close because I knew, without a doubt, that she needed me yet somehow…despite the coddling, against all fears of having a helicopter for a mom…she flourished.
Bloomed into the most phenomenal woman.
Grew to be fiercely independent, hard-working, driven and against all odds – happy!
Twenty years ago today, Megan came into this world like a tsunami. With little time to prepare and not a moment to spare…a mere 20 minutes from the time they started induction, she arrived in the most chaotic few minutes of my life.
And the chaos has never stopped.
Megan has been a force to be reckoned with, she’s pushed all of my buttons and demanded more from me than my others have but in return, she’s given so much. She’s been there for me as much as I have for her.
Every exasperating moment I’ve spent with Meg, she’s paid back to me ten-fold.
Today, on her 20th birthday, I feel like I should take a bow…pat myself on the back and be absolutely proud of both Megan and me…for making it through this whirlwind few years…
By each other’s side.
As I did for Emily’s 28th birthday this week…here are my five favourite posts I’ve written about Megan!
1. Things I’ve Learned from My Daughter on her 18th Birthday
I have learned as much from Megan as she’s learned from me…probably more. This post lists seven key things she’s taught me through the years…which still hold true to this day.
2. Changing Directions:
When Megan decided to leave university and volleyball…this post explained it all…with a huge thanks to the coaching staff at MSVU for all of their support.
3. Shedding Tears in the Dress Shop
There was something about this day in Edmonton…spending a bit of time buying a prom dress and reflecting on when I did the same for my oldest…that had me overwhelmed. And yes…I cried in the dress shop amongst all the satin and tulle!
4. I believe her:
During the Jian Ghomeshi trials and the #IBelieveHer movement, I found myself having some pretty serious conversations with my 14 year old.
5. Up and Coming Tattoo Artist
This is a more recent post I’ve written about Meg and her tattoo journey…a favourite of mine for sure as finally, Megan has found her footing and is making her dreams come true.
Happy Birthday, Megan!! I’m so incredibly proud of you and so thrilled that we’re through the teen years in one piece! We did it kid!!! XO Mom.