The heart of the home…

I’ve put my house on the market…spent HOURS purging and cleaning all of the “stuff” that a house accumulates…and it looks fantastic.

So great in fact, that I almost want to keep living here!

Except that, it’s time to go.

My kitchen table is massive. Big Brother House massive! You know how it works…on Day 1 in the Big Brother household, the table is big enough where everyone can gather and enjoy a meal together until they start voting each other out and next thing…they get up one morning and the table has shrunk to accommodate the fact that so many have left. And it keeps getting smaller as more people leave.

We’d all had our spots around our massive harvest table with one spot left for company and spare chairs in the basement should it turn into a feast. When my ex moved out, I took his spot at the head of the table. It was a weird statement that likely, was only ever recognized by myself and not the kids sitting next to me. But then, when my oldest moved out, the younger two shuffled their spots until they were sitting on either side of me with only half of the big table now being used. And now, with Noah heading to university…I feel like Meg and I need a wee Bistro Set on the back deck and the reality is hitting me that soon enough, it will just be little ol’ me on a lazy boy chair with a table tray and a TV Dinner!

That is…until they all start to multiply and bring their families to grandmas and I’ll be needing a big table again!

But right now…the kids are all vacating the nest and this momma bird can’t quite take the size of the Large Family Home closing in on me!

It’s time to shake things up, move on to the next chapter, give this home over to someone who needs its sheer size and awesomeness while I get cozy in something a little smaller…something more fitting to who I am where I can decorate to my heart’s content and make new memories. Tell a new story.

There’s been an awful lot of love here.

The pictures on the realtor website look fantastic.

They show this….

Screen Shot 2016-08-22 at 10.37.10 AMScreen Shot 2016-08-22 at 1.03.42 PM Screen Shot 2016-08-22 at 1.03.52 PM

But I see this…

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I see parties and gatherings and family meals…friendships and laughter…and an abundance of love.

I see memories…hundreds of memories in one room that can be cleaned and purged from clutter…but everything else remains.

Where pictures tell a thousand words but I can’t quite say it in any other way because I’m not good with change…but it really is time. Much as this home has provided my children and I a safe and comfortable place to grow…it’s time to spread our wings and fly.

But nothing, will ever replace, the heart of this home.

And those who’ve shared it with me.



If you’re looking for an awesome house…with the most amazing neighbours in the entire world, check out my listing with Domus Realty. 

2 Replies to “The heart of the home…”

  1. Beautiful home and even more beautiful memories you’ve made there…and you will pack every one to take with you to the next place. Remember this? “A house is built with boards and beams…A home is made with love and dreams.”
    Love and hugs