One sick momma…

I remember when the kids started school… people telling me to prepare for the onslaught of runny noses and sore throats! It was true. They had everything from “Scarlet Fever” to “Foot and Mouth” making me realize why four boxes of kleenex was a requirement on their school supply list!

However, much as I know that kids pick up everything once they’re packed in a classroom with others, at no point did I think that returning to school would do the same for me!

I was two weeks in when I first came down with Pneumonia… then later a chest infection, Pneumonia again, stomach flu and strep! On top of that… throw in two cracked teeth and a root canal! All the while… I did my best to attend every class and only missed out when I absolutely couldn’t stand another second but NOT ONCE (OK… just once) did I hand an assignment in late!

School is just about over and I’m on a 5 week project… flat out with kids and work and YOU GUESSED IT… I got a cold that couldn’t just be a cold as this week… it turned into a double ear infection!


I’m burning the candle on both ends and every now and then my body rebels. My friend Gloss tells me my body hates me. Charming! (For the record… Gloss is losing a little of his shiny exterior!!!)

I’ve just spent two days on the couch with absolutely no equilibrium and feeling like my head is a giant pumpkin. Each time I stand, I’m holding onto walls and I can barely hear a thing despite the TV being on warp nine! I can’t drive… I’m in pain… and I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired!

I’m medicated, frustrated, exasperated and defeated but on a good note… I’ve managed to get most of my work done while sitting somewhat slanted in my chair!

There’s just a little over a week left… and if all goes well I’ll finish with my body in tact! Albeit, a little worse for wear!

Next year, I’ll add a box of tissues to my supply list!