I’ve been so crazy busy that September didn’t have me writing too many posts… but regardless… here’s the 17th Queen’s Update on those posts I did manage to fit in!
A few days before the school year began, I found myself parked in front of NSCC… trying desperately to hold back a flow of tears… not wanting to move on to the next phase of my life. To be totally honest, I’m still a little shell-shocked but everyone around me has made it incredibly easy to fall into my new routine. I’m spending my days with this great group of young people who are encouraging, creative and entertaining… making it so much easier to forge ahead. On top of that, the instructors themselves are rather enjoyable and incredibly supportive of this journey I’m on. The work… there’s a lot… and it’s sometimes tough to fit it in with my regular life but I’m learning tons and am rather enjoying the challenge. All in all… I’m only a month in but I believe I’ve made the right decision. The first week was incredibly tough but in the end, I gave my head a good shake and the feeling seems to have passed. In fact, I’m rather pleased about the road I’m on and can finally see myself building an amazing future!
Post: Back to school…, So far so good… and Too pooped for my pants…
Spiderman was overjoyed with his newly decorated room… a surprise gift for his 13th birthday. He walked in and took to a fit of laughter… unable to take in all the changes… the smile revealing just how pleased he was. The mirror, made from his very first bicycle tire, was a fabulous addition. Bones decided she’d like me to surprise her for her 13th birthday as well but the thing is… I’m not really too keen on my baby growing up so I have a feeling she’ll never get that “teen” room like her brother did! Both kids are settled into school and activities… Bones’ horse was lame for a few weeks which, although tough on the horse and my sweet girl who loves to ride, it wasn’t too bad for me as I spent multiple hours in the hockey rink for tryouts and I’m not entirely sure how I would have fit it all in! I’m happy to say that Spiderman made the team he wanted to make and Bones’ horse is all better so BRING IT ON OCTOBER! Things are about to get a whole lot busier!
Post: Orange you happy… and 13…
The Tall Blond has settled back at university and is enjoying herself to the fullest! She managed to get home for all of twelve hours… just long enough to go to a specialist appointment for her eyes… which again, I’m extremely thrilled to report has revealed there is no damage to her vision whatsoever! I’m looking forward to Thanksgiving this weekend coming… as there’s so much to be thankful for.
Post: Make you feel my love…
I still haven’t made it out to a SMU football game… but I will. I wonder if I can get them to wash my car again?
Post: Shine a mama…
I greatly enjoyed the Big Day Downtown adventure with the Downtown Business Commission. I found some great new stores and met some wonderful people along the way… all who sent out my posts for more folks to read. I’m still trying new things and keeping my New Year’s Resolution of not turning down any invitations. In fact, just last night I found myself chasing an adventure that led me astray and turned out to be one helluva fabulous night of dancing and laughter. I’d tell you about it but you know what they say… “What happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas!” Except that we weren’t in Vegas. But we could have been!!
Post: Big Day Downtown Part One…, Big Day Downtown Part Two… and Big Day Downtown The Finale…
Lastly… the fleas seem to be gone… as does the pneumonia! I’m heading into October with a clean slate, a new routine and a smile on my face! Barring any craziness… I may actually be able to fit in a bit of time to tell you all about it… just so you can enjoy the adventures with me!